Thursday, May 31, 2007

Natalie Merchant...does she not look like Norah Jones in this pix?!?! I love wearing my hair like that... Well, ever since Tigerlily was released I became addicted to her voice and the depth of her lyrics. My gosh, I was just a wee little girl. Singing, Carnival. Well, about four yrs. ago I started listening to Ophelia. The depth of those songs is crushing. A bit like tracy Chapman's New Beginnings album. They both like to dwell in the ghetto when they write lyrics. And Nat has a strange fascination with homelessness. I understand that to a certain degree. I think that being an "N" in a sea of "S" people is sort of like never feeling at home. When I judge the satisfaction of my friendships I judge them on whether or not I feel at home. Home, my friends, is definately where the heart is. And when I hear "skin" from the Ophelia album I feel like Natalie has taken up residence in my kitchy little home. made observations..and written a sic rendition of a woe is me..I am me..and you don't even know me ballad to those who never allowed her to be herself.

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