Monday, June 11, 2007

Ok, so check this article out:

The man pillow vs. The body pillow.

A friend just sent this to me. I'm sorry but that is hilarious. However, I think that the body pillow is so much more practical
Here are the reasons why:
1.) Yes, in theory the man is bigger, making it natural for the woman to rest her head on his arm. However, who does that for 8 hrs. a night?! With the body pillow you can wrap your leg around it, you can lie on top of it, you can wipe your nose on it (should you get a sudden itch). I mean who sleeps up right, and so uptight?!? That is a very ISTJ pillow if you ask me. But whatever, it is Japanese. Aren't they all ISTJ?! j/k.

2.) The body pillow can also stunt double as a decorative backdrop to the throw pillows you might have on your bed. (e.g. my body pillow is chocalate, the perfect backdrop to bright colored throw pillows such as olive green, red, orange, or pink). The man pillow would have to hide in the closet during the day..because "h*%* no!" it is not staying on my bed. My first thought when looking at it, is that all it needs is a matching bed pan to go with it. And we don't leave those things out for the guests to see now do we!??!

3.) Bottom line: This pillow should only be marketed to senior citizens living in convalescent homes where they are confined to a twin bed, are missing a deceased spouse, or for people who pee the bed and therefore are not allowed to sleep with anyone else.

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