Monday, June 11, 2007

So tonight was the second meeting Andruw and I had to create the a logo for my boss.

Here is the total time spent on the project thus far: 35 mins (Andrew and me at It's a Grind coffee shop, grinding out some idears.) + 35 mins. (me drawing sketches in spare time) + 45 mins. (tonight at it's a grind, transfering my drawing into a graphic representation of a lotus flower. Yaah so andrew was able to use the camera on his IMac to "scan" the sketch. I am so jealous)
Total time= 1 hr 55 min
So this is what we've got so far (see exhibit B)..
Next step is to send .jpg to boss, who will either confirm or deny our right to continue with this image (which we shall perfect if she like) or else, she has the right to command us to throw away this image and start over with a different image.
I am crossing my fingers because this image is totally not her taste. But I think I can sell it.
Anyways, it has been fun..and soon it will be done. Hopefully we will have more logo collaberations to talk about.

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